Hi Louise,

I so agree with everything you said. The culmination of a summer spent gardening, catching fish, and raising chickens is savory dinner where almost everything is local, fresh, and tastes like only real food can. I hope your Thanksgiving is one such meal.


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Hi Kathy,

Thanks! Funny, I was just thinking about you this morning. Did you find a home for your prayer rug story? It's wonderful and others will enjoy it as I have. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!


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Thanks Marilyn! Now we're rounding up ingredients for "Dadaka's Eggnog". Does that sound familiar? A family favorite from Hal's grandmother on his mom's side. Heavy on the rum as the story goes! Happy Thanksgiving.

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Thank you for this beautiful piece. I’ve often tried to express the joy I get out of process of growing, gleaning, buying, processing, putting up, cooking, and eating local foods—how the whole process feeds my soul (even when my feet ache after hours of butchering deer, manning the pressure cooker, or preparing produce or berries for storage). I love the feeling I get when sitting down to a potato leek soup prepared with OUR home grown leeks, potatoes, and chicken broth, in which I add OUR home grown kale, OUR homegrown herbs, and OUR processed smoked salmon. I think it is the same gratefulness and fullness that your words capture so well. Thank you for sharing those works with us.

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Beautiful sensory descriptions! Now I'm hungry! Happy Thanksgiving, Jessica!

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Love this, Jessica. As always, you provide thoughtful details and insights into your uniquely Alaskan experience. Thank you, and happy thanksgiving to you and Hal. Marilyn

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